Saturday, April 26, 2008

Turtle Day

We all had fun checking out the turtles and learning all about them.

Here they are drawing designs on their turtle shells.

They got to see all 3 turtles and 3 tortoises up close and personal during circle time.

I somehow deleted my picture of them eating their turtle cookies, but they were very cute!

Our Fun Snow Make Up Day!

We had a really fun, long day on Monday. I wish we had that much time at school everyday. It was so nice.

These boys are getting quite good with their building skills!

They had a lot of fun playing upstairs, since we don't usually have more than 10 minutes of play time there.

Unfortunately we didn't get a sunny day to take our sack lunches outside, but they seemed to enjoy them anyway.

~Some crazy moves on the circus clown mats~

~Finding magnets in the beans~
Play dough is always lots of fun!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Having a Little Fun


These guys built the biggest track EVER!

This week we got to sneak outside for our first time this spring. What a wet and cold year we've had!

Pajama Day

April 2, 2008
What a fun day!
For some reason they thought that they should be babies, since they had their pjs on.

Then they decided that they would be big kids for a picture.

They all enjoyed their bag of popcorn at "the movies."